they are so cute, aren't they?
Hey guysssss!
It's a new month April. I don't usually like April, I know it's April Fool, but something not good will happened in every year's April!!!! Something unfortunate was happening few weeks ago!!
It's not because of I'm kinda superstitious person, was it just a coincidence?? I don't think so.
This is my new blog not bibu-sonnet anymore!
I was so damn busy & lazy to renew my blog & the reason why I create a new blog is... I have forgotten my previous blog's password!! (sounds stupid right?)
What should I do with the previous blog?just ignore it? I have no idea!!
I don't ca-a-a-a-are.
I have so many things to write, to post out & show off to everyone!
By the way my class had photoshoots last week! I love the photos!
I love 5BUMI.. I always do! Seriously,I love this class more than the other classes. hiak hiak
I'm facing some problems recently...someone said..that I look too serious, almost like Lcly. Bags are not allowed to bring into the media room! Everyone knows that! Still they bring their bags in, so I called them to put their bags outside. They showed me their stupid faces & said.. 'Thats why you're not in our friendlist.' so that's why we can't be friends?
I was like @#%%$&^*&!@!#@$!$ who you think you are??! I giveeeee you FACE only kay lol.
May be i was too shy sometimes, it makes me look
Am i anti-social?I always asked myself. I always think about this when everyone was like ignoring me?may be I was thinking too much ha!
I'll try to be more friendly, smile more. Trust me